Basic Policy

  • We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and norms.
  • We handle personal information within the scope of the stated purpose of use. In addition, the personal information acquired by the Company will not be disclosed or provided to a third party except with the consent of the individual or with a justifiable reason.
  • We will keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and strive to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information.
  • We will respond sincerely and promptly to inquiries regarding personal information and requests for disclosure.

Purpose of use of personal information

  • Personal information about customers , shipping of products, sending of information on products, services, entertainment , responding to inquiries and consultations , fulfillment of contracts , business negotiations, meetings, etc.
  • Personal information about business partners, contact necessary for business, business negotiations, meetings, etc. , payment, billing, etc.
  • Provision of personal information about employment applicants , employment information to employment applicants (including internships), contact, and management of employment operations at our company

Provision of personal information

We will not disclose or provide your personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

  • With your consent
  • When required by law
  • When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
  • When entrusting the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  • When business is succeeded due to merger, company split, business transfer or other reasons

Basic Guide line

  • We (as TSTTokyo from onwards) respect and strictly follow the Personal Information Protection law and related practice and policies.
  • We only use the personal information that we received as within the range of the specified purpose of use. The personal information that we received will not be release to the third party unless it has been approved by the person or proper reason.
  • We will keep the personal information accurate and updated. Also put best effort in preventing from data loss, leak, corruption, illegal access from outside.
  • We will put in effort to respond to any of the personal information reference or request of release.

Purpose of usage for Personal Information

    • Personal Information regarding customers.
    • Shipping merchandise.
    • Sending Notice for new services, events and new items.
    • Correspondence to inquiry and consultation.
    • Implementation of contract.
    • Business discussion and negotiations.
    • Personal Information regarding clients.
    • Contacts and discussion necessity by business.
    • Contacting for billings and invoices.
    • Personal Information regarding applicants.
    • Contacting employment applicant (Including Internship) candidates.
    • Adoption business management in our company.

Release of Personal Information

We do not release the personal information to third parties except for below.

  • Agreed by the customer or client.
  • Ordered by court of law.
  • If the life depends on the information and under the circumstance that cannot confirm with the customer of client.
  • To consign the handling of the personal information within the range necessary for achievement of purpose of use.
  • In case of Merger, separation or transfer of the company.